Monday, February 27, 2012

Thursday, February 23, 2012

LolCats for Luke

The LolCat Bible:
Ceiling Cat

Lol Cat auto translate:

See  The prodigal tongue: dispatches from the future of English
By Mark Abley  Chapter 8 Language in Cyber Space

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Nadia's Vomit Box

Michelle's vomit box

Madeleine's Vomit Box

Bill Bailey interacting with projections -scene from Tinselworm-

I thought this was a really interesting idea, what made it really effective is that it happens randomly during the act, after this whole scene with his different personalities he carries on as if nothing happened. The full show is on DC.

Monday, February 20, 2012

hey guys, yay finally posting stuff! I like the weird and freaky, found a cool website suited for just that: also there's a huge list of DA artists along the side

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Friday, February 17, 2012

AMaze ... celebrating the convergence of games, art and society.

F@#$ art competitions that want 'original' artworks and us to supply our own  tech...lets chat about this next class....

A MAZE. calling.

We are seeking for curious, playful and adventurous artists and indie game developers from the sub Saharan region to participate in A MAZE. Interact 2012 in Johannesburg, South Africa.

A MAZE. Interact is an experimental and visionary media art festival, which will take place from 29th of August to the 2nd of September in several locations in Braamfontein, Downtown Johannesburg.

Since 2008 A MAZE. is celebrating the convergence of games, art and society. It is a series of events as well as a conceptual format that offers a regularly emerging platform for interdisciplinary and intercultural exchange. Creatives are encouraged to break down the conventional computer game and surpass established digital or analog concepts of play.

The goal of the A MAZE. Interact Festival in Johannesburg in South Africa in 2012 is to create an annual platform for African and European media artists and game developers. A MAZE. Interact targets the collaboration between artists and the exchange on an artistic, academic and cultural level.

Besides a general interest in the broader field of Gaming and Playing, contributions by the selected artists towards one or several of the allocated modules are very welcome.

The exhibition will show artistic computer games, interactive and playful installations, video documentations of public intervention and games.
The conference focuses on the topics "Mobility, Public Space, Games and Play".
The workshops teach practises of engineering by using open source tools for artistic approaches.
*Public Gaming/ Interventions:
Playful game concepts with amazing and wired rule sets which engages interaction in the public and focuses on social and economical issues.
Performative interventions, music or dance performances, using electronics and micro-controllers in public/ stage, mixing music with realtime visuals, circuit bending.

A MAZE. provides the playground. You are welcome to play with this enviroment and make this festival to a powerful game/ platform for social/media critical discourse with international participants and publicity. Please check us out at and contact me

The call is open from February 16, 2012 till June 1, 2012.

Our partners are Goethe Institute Johannesburg, Witwatersrand University, University of Johannesburg, Praekelt Foundation, VANSA, Trinity Session, Transmediale, CIANT, Coded Culture.

The A MAZE. team and I am looking forward getting in contact with you and your artistic outcome.
All the best,
Thorsten S. Wiedemann, A MAZE. festival director

Thursday, February 16, 2012

For Jaime: Pieter Hugo There's a Place in Hell for Me and my Friends

Pieter Hugo
Michael Cleary, Cape Town, 2011
Archival pigment ink on semi-matte fibre paper
Pieter Hugo
Ashleigh McLean, Cape Town, 2011
Archival pigment ink on semi-matte fibre paper 

More: Pieter Hugo at Michael Stevenson Gallery

Fragmented Portrait.

Fragmented Portrait. Pen Tool.

I Met The Walrus.

I think a few of you have possibly seen this John Lennon animation, but I really enjoy it. So great.

Rowan Atkinson, Invisible drum kit.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

FORM+CODE: Eye & Brain Candy for the Digital Age

Delicious Website: Get One!

Oh and those of you who aren't posting...neh......yay for Luke! and me of course because i am brilliant (this week!)

Monday, February 13, 2012

ACCESS - an interactive art installation by Marie Sester

First Day of School

Hi Everyone Welcome to/Welcome Back to DA.  I hope we are all going to try and post on this blog.  Yes this includes me who has infinitely more practice at being naughty and lazy than any of you.  This is our virtual club house, wall of ideas and general sharing space.  I will post images/video/texts/links that I think may be useful to all or some of you.  Please do the same.  Please send me your gmail address so that I can add you to the blog if you have not yet done so.

And now some cheesy first day of school motivational speaking with great animation:

Ira Glass on Storytelling from David Shiyang Liu on Vimeo.