Friday, July 26, 2013

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

9 Eyes - Jon Rafman

Having a good day with google, soooo many cool things! This one is the best.

Artist Jon Rafman collects the bizarre and beautiful sights captured by the nine lenses on Google Street View camera cars as they photograph scenes around the world."

On Kawara, 'One Million Years'

On Kawara’s mad epic sculpture–performance One Million Years. 

The Japanese-born, New York–based artist’s rarely seen work is centered around a desk and two chairs in a windowed booth at the center of the gallery. Two volunteers sit inside the room. One man and one woman take turns reading progressive dates going one million years into the future or into the past. 

Random Find

Website/search engine thingy that characterises you according to your web-presence.

Friday, July 12, 2013

cool use of type following the word play, the songs a bit daft i think tho

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Most beautiful time-lapse video of fog in San Francisco that took 2 years to make!